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Our 2017 "Special" Ice Cream Run - May 23

Our Ice Cream Runs Begin with a "Special" tour of the OPP Headquarters in Orillia Tuesday May 23, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.................


The plan is for an early afternoon cruise to Orillia (Muskoka participants can rendez-vous at 2:00 PM, at the Ultramar gas station on Hwy. 11 just south of Gravenhurst), with all participants meeting at the OPP Museum at 2:30 PM.

Following the OPP tour and Museum visit, which should wrap up by the 4:30 closing time, the group will then cruise over to the Red Caboose in the north end of Orillia (454 Laclie Street) to participate in the mini-golf/dinner/ice cream part of the program.

If you do wish to attend the tour, please provide your first name, middle initial and last name to Laurel ASAP (email

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